HEDGE TRIMMER IS NOT INSULATED AGAINST ELECTRICAL SHOCK! Approaching or contacting electrical lines with the trimmer could cause death or serious injury. Keep the trim- mer at least 10 meters away from electrical lines or branches that con- tact electrical lines.
Operating Precautions
An articulated hedge trimmer has the potential to cause serious personal injury to the operator or bystanders if misused, abused or mishandled. To reduce the risk of injury, you must maintain control at all times, and observe all safety precautions during operation. Never permit a person without training or instruction to operate this trimmer!
Do not make unauthorized PRGL¿FDWLRQVRUDOWHUDWLRQVWR\RXUDUWLF- ulated hedge trimmer or its components.
Never operate this tool or any other power equipment if you are tired, ill, or XQGHUWKHLQÀXHQFHRIDOFRKROGUXJV or any substance that could affect your ability or judgement.
ŶNever transport the articulated hedge trimmer or leave it unattended with the engine running. An engine that’s run- ning could be accidently accelerated causing the blades to oscillate.
ŶMake sure that the blade cover is in place when transporting or storing the articulated hedge trimmer.
ŶAlways make sure that the cutter attachment and all handles and guards
ŶInspect for broken, missing or improp- erly installed parts or attachments.
ŶNever use a cracked or warped cutter or cutter bar: replace it with a service-
ŶMake sure there are no missing or loose fasteners, and that the stop switch and throttle controls are working properly.
ŶMake sure there is always good ven- tilation when operating the articulated hedge trimmer. Fumes from engine exhaust can cause serious injury or death. Never run the engine indoors!
Ŷ1HYHUVPRNHRUOLJKW¿UHVQHDUWKH hedge trimmer. Keep the unit away from excessive heat. Engine fuel is very
ÀDPPDEOHDQG¿UHFRXOGOHDGWRVHULRXV personal injury or property damage.
ŶWhen carrying the articulated hedge trimmer by hand, the cutter attachment should be pointing backward with the cutter blade in the retracted or trans- porting position. (Refer to the section, ”Transporting the Articulated Hedge Trimmer”.)
ŶDo not operate this machine with the
ŶMake sure the cutters are correctly adjusted before operating the articu- lated hedge trimmer (see the section ”Cutter Adjustment” for cutter adjust- ment procedures). Never attempt cut- ter adjustment with the engine running!
ŶBefore starting the engine, make sure the cutter is not contacting anything.
Ŷ$OZD\VFRQ¿UPVDIHRSHUDWLRQZKHQ using the machine, especially when operating on steps or a ladder.
ŶImmediately stop the engine with the stop switch if the machine suddenly begins to vibrate or shake.
ŶAlways stop the engine immediately and check for damage if you strike a foreign object or if the machine becomes tangled. Do not operate with broken or damaged equipment.
ŶWhen cutting a branch that is under tension, be alert for
ŶIf a cutter should bind fast in a cut, shut off the engine immediately. Push the branch or tree to ease the bind and free the cutter.
ŶAlways stop the engine and allow it to
FRROEHIRUHUHIXHOLQJ$YRLGRYHU¿OOLQJ and wipe off any fuel that may have spilled.
CAUTION! | Ŷ 'RQRWPDNHXQDXWKRUL]HGPRGL¿FD- | Ŷ Always stop the engine and allow it | |
Ŷ Always maintain the articulated | tions to the articulated hedge trimmer | to cool before refueling. Avoid over- | |
or its components. | ¿OOLQJDQGZLSHRIIDQ\IXHOWKDWPD\ | ||
hedge trimmer according to this own- | |||
Ŷ Keep the cutters sharp and properly | have spilled. | ||
er’s manual and follow the recom- | |||
mended scheduled maintenance. | adjusted. | Ŷ 1HYHUSODFHÀDPPDEOHPDWHULDOFORVH | |
Ŷ Never modify or disable any of the | Ŷ Never allow the engine to run at high | WRWKHHQJLQHPXIÀHUDQGQHYHUUXQ | |
the engine without the spark arrestor | |||
hedge trimmer’s safety devices. | without a load. Doing so could dam- | ||
screen in place. | |||
Doing so may cause damage and | age the engine. | ||
Ŷ Always clear your work area of trash | |||
lead to personal injury | Ŷ When transporting the hedge trim- | ||
Ŷ Always use genuine Shindaiwa parts | mer in a vehicle, tie it down securely | or hidden debris to help ensure | |
good footing. | |||
and accessories when repairing or | to prevent fuel spillage or damage to | ||
Ŷ Keep the articulated hedge trimmer | |||
maintaining this machine. | the machine. | ||
| as clean as possible. Keep it free of | |
| loose vegetation, mud, etc. | |