Convenient telephoning
Set MSN for next call
Even if you have defined individual outgoing MSNs for outgoing calls on handsets you can select a different outgoing MSN for the next call (for example for separate billing)
1.Press *for selection menus.
2.Select using [ ] and [OK ]: Base Settings → Call preparat. → MSN next call.
3.Select using [Z] and [OK ] (desired MSN) and confirm.
Info Menu item MSN next call is marked. The next call is made with the selected MSN (see page 24).
Seize specific MSNs
If this setting is activated, a list of available MSNs is displayed before each call is made when the talk key
However, further MSNs are only displayed for selection if these have been allocated to the handset as incoming MSNs (see page 29).
With SMSs you should ensure that the outgoing/incoming MSN corresponds to*the number registered with your MSN centre.
1.is pressed for menus.
2. Press [ ] and [OK ] to select: Base Settings → Settings → Setup user → Setup device.
List of internal numbers entered is displayed.
3.!7088Press [Z] and [OK ] to select (required internal no.).
4.[] key, → MSN next call and [OK ]
('before menu item = ON / none = OFF)
5.Press C.
Automatic call forwarding due to inaccessible handset
This service can only be used if the CD feature has been activated for your connection. Further information can be obtained from your network provider.
For instance, if your handset is outside the base station range, the battery has run out or the handset is switched off, this feature reroutes all calls to a defined external number.
Prerequisite: You have assigned an exclusive MSN to your handset, (see page 29). This MSN must not be assigned to any other device, even on the ISDN bus.
Enter a number and activating/deactivating automatic call forwarding
1.Press *for selection menus.
2.Select using [ ] and [OK ]: Base Settings → Settings → ISDN settings → Auto.forwarding.
3.Press [OK ]: a list of all MSNs entered is displayed.
4.Select using [Z] and [OK ] (desired MSN) and enter an external destination !7088number.
5.[] and select Save entry followed by [OK ]. Automatic call forwarding is now activated. ('in front of MSN = Auto.forwarding ON, no '= Auto.forwarding OFF).