9 Further Notes on Operation
SThe connections on which a job on the communication bus with a data length > 240 bytes is being processed are aborted temporarily.
SFETCH/WRITE connections are temporarily aborted.
On the FC interface in the user program, the condition codes made up of the DONE, ERROR and STATUS parameters must be evaluated in FC11 / FC12.
9.6Special Features of IP Configuration
Configured S7 connections cannot be operated if the IP address is assigned over DHCP
If you obtain the IP address over DHCP, any S7 connections you may have configured will not work. Reason: The configured IP address is replaced by the address obtained over DHCP during operation.
9.7Reserved Port Numbers
The following local port numbers are reserved; You should not use these for other purposes in the connection configuration.
Protocol | Port number | Service |
TCP | 20, 21 | FTP |
TCP | 25 | SMTP |
TCP | 80 | HTTP |
TCP | 102 | RFC1006 |
TCP | 135 | RPC−DCOM |
UDP | 34964 | PN IO |
UDP | 65532 | NTP |
UDP | 65533 | NTP |
UDP | 65534 | NTP |
UDP | 65535 | NTP |
CP | B3L−51 |
Release 03/2007 |