4 Creating Project Files—PLC to Devices

To select the PLC connected to port 1, highlight PLC Pro- tocol and press Enter. The PLC Protocols selection menu appears:

PLC Protocol

Press the Tab or Right Arrow key to move to the next field

Use the Down Arrow and Up Arrow keys to scroll through

without selecting this checkbox.


the list of available PLC Protocols, since not all choices are

DTU Address

visible at one time. To select a protocol, highlight the selec-


tion and press Enter.

Some PLC protocols require each device on the PLC net-

PLC Number

work to be assigned a unique address or ID. The DTU

Address is the address assigned to the DTU on the PLC

After you have selected your PLC, the PLC Number selec-

network. Highlight this field and type in the address number

for the DTU3005B, then press Enter.

tion box is highlighted. The PLC Number is used to identify


which PLC the DTU is to communicate with (if the selected

Communications Settings

type of PLC is addressable). The PLC Number is often

The communications settings are automatically set to the

called a PLC Slave Address or Slave ID.

Type in the PLC Number and press Enter.

default values for each type of PLC when the PLC is first

selected. Before changing any of these settings, consult

2-Wire RS422 or RS485 Communications

your PLC manual for the correct settings. To move between

the communications settings, press the Tab or Enter keys.

After you have entered the PLC Number, the 2-Wire RS422

To select a setting, use the Up or Down Arrow key to move

to the desired setting and press the spacebar to change

or RS485 Communications selection box is highlighted.

your selection.

This box will only need to be checked if the communications


with your PLC is a 2-wire RS485 or RS422 interface. When

RTS Control (Request to Send Control)

2-wire communications are being used, RTS must be

RTS Control selection is an option provided for modems or

looped back to CTS on the DTU side of the cable. This can

be done on the RS232 side by looping pins 4 and 5 or on

for PLCs that require RTS to be active only while the DTU is

the RS422/485 side by looping 16 to 18 and 17 to 19. See

transmitting to the PLC.

Appendix D for wiring diagrams for your particular PLC,

• If RTS/CTS is selected, the DTU will activate RTS and

and whether it uses a 2-wire connection.

To select the checkbox, click on it with the mouse or, with

wait until CTS is active before transmitting to the PLC.

• If RTS Delay is selected, the DTU will activate RTS and

the 2-Wire RS422 or RS485 Communications selection

highlighted, press the spacebar. An “X” will appear inside

wait for the specified delay time to pass before trans-

the brackets when it is selected.

mitting to the PLC. When RTS Delay is selected, the


Siemens Energy & Automation, Inc.

Page 18
Image 18
Siemens DTU3005-B manual PLC Protocol, DTU Address, PLC Number, Communications Settings, Wire RS422 or RS485 Communications