Group functions
Step by Step
Night destination off
cPress the Talk key.
Call the system menu.
> < [Select and confirm the menu item.
> < [Select and confirm the menu item.
> < [Select and confirm the menu item.
aPress the On-hook key to end the process.
Checking the number of waiting calls
You can check the number of waiting calls for the group.
cPress the Talk key.
Call the system menu.
> < [Select and confirm the menu item.
> < [Select and confirm the menu item.
> < [Select and confirm the menu item.
aPress the On-hook key to end the process.
Mulap group (Multiple Line Application)
If your handset’s line belongs to a Mulap group (Multiple
Line Application), then you can
answer calls for the group (press the Talk key in
group calls)
make external telephone calls under the group
phone number (the group phone number is stored
in the called party’s caller list, for example)
activate and deactivate the group call function for
your handset’s line
forward the lines of the Mulap group to internal or
external destinations
UCD Menu?
#404=UCD night off?
UCD Menu?
*405=Calls in