3. With the ECP mounted on the left,
place the WMB around the back of
the HAWM-UX/UF’s interactive
whiteboard brackets, toward the
left side of the interactive
whiteboard for proximity to the
4. Place the WMB through the top
cable clip you installed on the side
of the HAWM-UX/UF.
5. Connect the WMB’s USB A plug to
the ECP, and then loop the excess
cable length into the cable clip.
6. Use the WMB’s magnetic
connection to attach the WMB to a metal surface, until you need to attach a guest
computer to it.
If you attach the WMB’s anchor point to the wall, make sure the anchor point
is set to a distance so that the WMB does not slip off the anchor point when
the HAWM-UX/UF is moving, or make sure the WMB has a minimum of 28"
(71.1 cm) excess straight length or a 14" (35.6 cm) loose loop of cable.
7. The RCA connector pod includes three RCA jacks for input only, two dual-channel
fpr audio input and one for composite video input. You can use the RCA connector
pod to connect DVD/Blu-ray™ players and similar devices. Don’t connect the
projection audio system (SBA-L) speakers to the RCA connector pod.
Connecting peripheral devices to the RCA connector podThe RCA connector pod enables you to connect DVD/Blu-ray players and other
devices to your interactive whiteboard system using the three RCA jacks. The
composite video connector and associated dual channel audio inputs on the RCA
connector pod are for input only.
SMART recommends that you use the RCA connector pod for temporary connections
to peripheral devices, or that you use a permanent connection to the projector’s
connection panel.
connector pod