3Display Partition Buttons
Clicking one of these icons selects the image monitor layout. The icons are applicable to the A IMAGE output of the
The HSR View can display four to 16 partitions. The system administrator determines which camera is assigned to each display partition.
4[A] and [B] Buttons
These buttons are enabled when [A/B] button qf is selected. Clicking the [A] button causes the screen control buttons to affect the [A] image, and clicking the [B] button causes the screen control buttons to affect the [B] image.
5Paging Buttons
If the screen partitions span multiple pages, click these buttons to change pages.
6Users Logged On
Shows the number of users logged on to the video network station.
7[HOME] Button
Clicking this button returns the video camera to its preset (home) position. Its action applies to the image at which the pan/tilt control bar is displayed.
8[PRESET] Drop-Down List
Select a preset camera position by name from this list to set the camera to that fixed position (previously set by the system administrator). Selecting from this list while the display is partitioned causes the screen to switch to a single image showing the selected video camera.
9[Camera] Button
Clicking this button changes to the Camera View.
0[Admin] Button
Clicking this button displays the “Admin overview” page, where video network station settings and management can be performed. Access to this page is normally restricted to the administrator.
qa Connection Status
Shows the type of HSR unit
qs Date and Time
This is current date and time. The system administrator determines whether the date and time are displayed.
qd Pan/Tilt/Zoom Control Bars
Use to control video camera pan, tilt and zoom. The bars are displayed and enabled in the following cases:
•When a video camera capable of pan/tilt/zoom operation is selected by the numbered buttons.
•When a video camera capable of pan/tilt/zoom operation is selected by the [B] button qg.
•While output of the A IMAGE and B IMAGE is displayed by the [A/B] button qf and a video camera
capable of pan/tilt/zoom operation is selected by the [A] or [B] button 4.
Refer to “Pan/Tilt/Zoom Control” on page 28 for details of control bar operations.
qf [A/B] Button
Clicking this button displays A IMAGE and B IMAGE from the
qg [B] Button
Clicking this button displays the B IMAGE from the
qh [A] Button
Clicking this button displays the A IMAGE from the
qj [CTR] Button
Clicking this button displays the “HSR CONTROL” page in a new window, for controlling the
qk [SEQ] Button
Clicking this button controls the automatic image switching function of the