Sprint Nextel Location & Search menu options
The Sprint Nextel Location & Search menu gives you the following options to choose from:
Find Nearest
To search for specific information you can type directly in the Find Nearest search box. Enter your search term and click Go.
Finding a Sprint Store, Restaurant, Bank, Hotel, Gas Station, or Coffee House
Click any of the hyperlinks to launch your Internet browser and perform a live search. For example, clicking Find Nearest Coffee House using Microsoft Live will launch your browser and automatically connect to the Microsoft Live Web site using your search criteria.
To change your settings refer to Settings, Sprint Location Services. You must close out of the Location & Search Services menu in order to change your settings.
Accessing Sprint’s Web site
Click the Sprint NEXTEL Logo to access Sprint’s Web site. Through Sprint’s Web site, you can access most of the services described in this section, including technical support, as well as product information.
Software Updates
From time to time, Sprint may release updates for your Sprint Connection Manager Software. These updates may add new features or improve the network performance. This menu option allows you to check for any posted updates or to set up an automatic monthly check for updates.
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