device first initiates contact with a network until the network connection is broken, whether or not you were actually successful in connecting to the intended destination. However, you will not be charged for voice calls that ring and do not pick up, or if you get a busy signal. For voice calls received by your device, you are charged from the time shortly before the phone starts ringing until the call is terminated. You are charged for an entire voice call based on the time period in which the call is initiated. Partial minutes of use are rounded up to the next minute.
SprintPCSVisionCharges. Vision usage is measured in bytes, not in minutes. Bytes are rounded up to kilobytes. Usage rounding occurs at the top of each clock hour while in a session and at the end of each session and is then charged to you based on the terms of your Services. Depending on your Services, usage may be charged against an allowance or on a fixed price per kilobyte. Usage charges may be rounded up to the next cent at monthly or other intervals. In certain instances, you may not know that your session has not ended. As long as your device is connected to our network, you will incur data usage charges. You will be charged for all data directed to the internet address (or "IP address") assigned to your device, regardless of who initiates the activity or whether your device actually receives the data. This includes, but is not limited to, the amount of data associated with the particular information/item (e.g. game, ringer, email, etc.), additional data used in accessing, transporting and routing this information/item on our network, data from partial or interrupted downloads,
TaxesandSurcharges.We invoice you for taxes, fees and other charges levied by or remitted directly to federal, state, local or foreign governments
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