■Your billing address
■Your Social Security or Tax ID number
■Your driver’s license number
■YourSprintPCSConnectionCard’sESN(electronicserial number)TheESNisprintedonthecard’slabelandcan alsobedisplayedduringtheinstallationprocess.
4.Click Next when you are asked for your card’s ESN (electronic serial number).The third window will appear, which displays your card’s ESN in the top field.
5.Carefully repeat the ESN to the Service Representative. You will be given an activation code.
6.Enter the activation code into the bottom field of the window and click Next to continue to the next window.
7.Once your Sprint Customer Service Specialist has given you your card’s phone number, enter the number in the top and bottom fields and click Next to continue.
Note: If the phone numbers you enter into the top and bottom fields do not match, a warning will appear requesting that you verify that the phone numbers are correct.
Installing Your Card
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