2.Highlight the unchecked event and press to see the event details, or press Options (right softkey) for the following options. To select an option, highlight it and press
■Snooze to repeat the alarm in 10 minutes.
■Exit to exit the options.
Note:IfyoupressExit(leftsoftkey)duringstep2above,youarepromptedto erasetheuncheckedevent.Select YestoeraseorNotocancel.
Viewing Events
2.Using the navigation key, highlight the day for which you would like to view events and press . (If you have events scheduled for the selected day, they will be listed in chronological order.)
Tip:Inthecalendarview,dayswitheventsscheduledareindicatedwitha triangle.
3.To display the details of an event listed in the schedule, highlight it and press .
Going toYour Desired Date
1.Select >Calendar>Options (right softkey) > GotoDate.
2.Enter the date you wish to go to using the navigation key and/or the keypad, and press .
Calendar &Tools
Section 2G: Using the Phone’s Calendar and Tools | 117 |