MODE ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal
Both <DC$> 20 14
Cancels one-line expanded printingset with <S0> or<ESC><S0>. Does not cancel expanded printing set‘with<ESC> “W” 1.
MODE ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal
Std. <FS> 3n28 69 n1c45 n
Selects acharacterwidth according to the value of nas
shown below.
nCharacter width
oNOrma 1-wide
1Do~b ie wide
2Triple wide
MODE ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal
Std. <Esc> !n27 33 ~1B2:n
Selects acombined print mode according to the value of
n.The value of nis the sum of the values given below for
the desired characteristics.
Function nvalue Function nvalue
Underline I28 IEmphasized I8I
Italic 64 Condensed 4
Expanded 32 Proportional 2
Double strike 16 Ellte