Tappet(1) Remove the tappets from the crankcase.
To prevent the tap- pets from falling or damaging, place the crankcase on the side. (See Fig. 20.)
Before removing put a mark of intake or
exhaust on each tappet.
Fig. 20
Order Item
18Connectingrod and piston
19Pistonand piston pin
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(1)Scrape off carbon and other foreign de- posits from the upper parts of the cylin- der and piston, and then straighten out the bent tabs of the lock washers on the connecting rod, and remove two pieces of the bolt.
(2)Removethelockwashersandconnecting rod cap from the crankshaft.
(3)Turn the crankshaft until the piston is raised up to the hightest position, push the connecting rod up, and remove the piston o u t of the top of the cylinder.
(1)Remove the two clips, pull out the piston pin, and take the piston off from the small end of the connecting rod.
(2)Spread the open ends of the piston rings and remove them from the piston.
( 1 ) Remove the woodruff key (for the mag- neto).
(2)Lightlyhammerthemagnetoendofthe crankshaft, and pull it out of the crank- case.
Be careful not to damage the inside of the small end the connecting rod. Be careful not to break the rings by spreading too much.
Be careful not to damage the rings by spreading too much.
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10 mm box spanner
3r 10 mm spanner
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