After disassembling and cleaning the engine, check and repair,if necessary, according to the correctiontable.
Thecorrectiontableapolieswhenevertheengines are repaired.It is importantforthe servicemen to be
familierwiththecontentsofthis table. Correctmaintenance is recommended by observing thecorrection standards specified.
The meanings of the terms used in the correction table areas follows: Correction
Repair, adjustment or replacementof any engine parts. Correction Limit
The limit on wear, damage or functional deterioration of engine parts beyond which normal engine per- formance cannot be expected without repairing such parts.
Use Limit
The limit beyond which parts can no longerbe used in respect of performance or strength.
Standard Dimensions, The design dimensions of new parts minus tolerance.
Correction Tolerance
Tolerance on the dimensionsof engine parts refinished or adjusted.
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