6-3 TIMING ADJUSTMENT (See Figs. 42,43 and 44.)
The spark is timed to occur at 23" before the piston reaches TDC on the compression stroke. This spark ad- vance of 23" is controlled by the breaker point opening and this advanceis obtained when the breaker point opening is adjusted according to the BREAKER POINT ADJUSTMENT to its proper point opening. How- ever, the advance timing is more accurately adjusted through the following procedures using a timing tester as shown in Fig. 43.
Note: Refer tosection
6 - 3- 1 ALIGNMENT MARK for TIMING ADJUST- MENT (See Fig. 42.)
For timingadjustment,thefollowingalignment marks are provided as shown inFig. 42.
*"M" mark and line on the crankcase
*"P" mark and line on the flywheel cooling fan
Fig. 42
1)Disconnect the stop switch leadwires and the coil primary wire.
2)Remove the blower housing from the engine.
3)Connectthetimingtesterleadwith red rubbercap to the coil primary wire andgroundthe lead with black rubber cap to the crankcase. (SeeFig. 43.)
While the points are open, the buzzer within tester remains ringing and when the points areclosed, the tester remains silent. (See Fig. 43.)
4)Turn the flywheel slowly until alignment mark on the flywheel is in the line with alignment mark on the carankcase.
Fig. 43 | Fig. 44 |
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