Chapter 7: BIOS
2.The information provided above is for your reference only. For more information on thermal management, please refer to Intel’s Web site at www.Intel.com.
System Temperature: The system temperature will be displayed (in degrees in Celsius and Fahrenheit) as it is detected by the BIOS.
Fan 1 ~ Fan 8 Reading
This feature displays the fan speed readings from fan interfaces Fan 1 through Fan 8.
Fan Speed Control Modes
This feature allows the user to decide how the system controls the speeds of the onboard fans. The CPU temperature and the fan speed are correlative. When the CPU
Voltage Monitoring
CPU1 Vcore, CPU2 Vcore, CPU1 DIMM, CPU2 DIMM, 1.1V, 3.3V, 1.5V, 5V, 12V, 3.3VSB, 5VSB, and Vbat.
ACPI Configuration
Use this feature to configure Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) power management settings for your system.
ACPI Aware O/S
Select Yes to enable ACPI support for an operating system that supports ACPI. Select No to disable ACPI support for an OS that does not support ACPI. The op- tions are Yes and No.
ACPI Version Features (Available ACPI Aware O/S='Yes')
The options are ACPI v1.0, ACPI v2.0 and ACPI v3.0. Please refer to ACPI's website for further explanation: http://www.acpi.info/