Using and managing contacts
Searching and browsing contact lists
Real Time lets you search for contacts by first and last name and browse the contents of your Contacts. When you browse a contacts list, you view a list of contact names.
To search Contacts
1From the Main menu, choose contacts. The Contact Search screen appears.
Figure 4-1: Searching contacts
2Type one or both of the following:
•First name
•Last name
3Click OK.
The search results appear in the search results list. If no matches are found, a message appears to inform you.
Tip You can also search by name fragments. For example, entering a “J” in the First Name text box returns all first names beginning with a “J”.
To browse Contacts
1From the Main menu, choose Contacts. The Contact Search screen appears.
2Click Browse.
A list of names contained in the contact list appears.