Mobile phone functions (Nokia microbrowser)
Mobile phone functions (Nokia microbrowser)
This section guides you through using Real Time on mobile phones that use the Nokia
•Navigating Real Time
•Clicking buttons
•Choosing menu items
•Entering text in text boxes
•Choosing items from list boxes
Navigating Real Time
You navigate Real Time using the arrow keys on your mobile phone.
Reverse video (white text on a black background) on the screen of your device indicates your location within Real Time. You scroll the selection to a menu item, button, or field by clicking the arrow keys on your keypad. The current link or item is highlighted. The location of the arrow keys on the keypad depends on the type of mobile phone you have.
Clicking buttons Most models of mobile phones have two buttons located directly below the screen. These buttons correspond to the commands located at the
bottom of the screen, just above the buttons. When you press a button, Real Time performs the command displayed on the screen above that button.
Due to the limited size of the display on mobile phones, it is common for only two command buttons to be available at a time.