TS690R Installation Manual | Engineer's Menu 2 |
Display | Description |
AC OFF | Mains power removed |
AC ON | Mains power restored |
ALARM | Full alarm from circuit |
AUX | Auxiliary alarm from circuit |
AUX TAMP | Auxiliary tamper alarm |
BATT FLT | Battery fault (voltage below 10.5V) |
BELL TST | Bell test performed |
C TMP | Code tamper from keypad |
CCT ISOL | 24hr circuits isolated |
DATE CHG | System date changed |
DEFLT 01 | User 01 reset to 5678 by the engineer |
DURS | Duress alarm from user |
E ALM | Entry |
ENTRY | Entry timer started by circuit |
FACT RST | System “Factory Restarted” |
FIRE | Fire alarm from circuit |
FIRST | The first activation of a |
FOB | 525r remote setting device operated |
FULL SET | System full set |
JAMMED | System jammed by another radio source |
KEYSW | Key point operation from circuit |
LID TAMP | Control panel lid removed |
NO EVENT | No log event |
OMIT | Circuits |
OMIT REM | All omitted circuits reinstated |
OMITR | Circuit |
P/SET A/B/C | System part set A, B, or C |
PAALM | Panic alarm from circuit |
PANIC | Panic alarm from user |
R ADD | Remote keypad added to the system |
R REM | Remote keypad removed from system |
R TMP | Remote keypad tamper |
REARMED | System |
REM RST | System reset by “Remote Reset” code |
SET FAIL | System failed to Set |
SITE RST | System |
SYS OPEN | System fully unset |
TAMP | Tamper alarm from circuit |
TC OFF | All circuits taken off “Test” |
TESTD | Number of circuits tested during a walk test |
T FAIL | Circuit failed during “Test” |
TIME CHG | System time changed |
USER | User code entered |
WALK TST | System “Walk Test” selected |
This option allows the installation engineer to reset the master user (user 01) back to the factory default code of “5678". This feature is useful when the master user has forgotten their passcode or has accidentally changed it without realising. This operation is logged.
E / MENU 2


to reset user 1Reset User Code Flowchart