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Using the Remote Control
The functions keys in the upper part of the remote control reflects the soft keys on screen.
... and the middle part of the remote control is used to handle the video part of the call.
... while the lower part of the remote control resembles very much the keypad of a mobile phone
FUNCTION KEYS: Each key reflects a soft key on screen and represents shortcuts and advanced functions.
MICROPHONE: Press the | PRESENTATION: Press the |
Microphone key to toggle | Presentation key to show/hide |
the microphones on/off. | a presentation. |
ARROW LEFT: Press the left arrow key to go one step back in the menu or to move to the left in a text field.
ARROW UP/DOWN: Use the up and down
arrow keys to navigate in the menu.
ARROW RIGHT: Press the right arrow key to expand the selected menu item or to move to the right in a text field.
OK/SELECT: Press the OK/ Select key to confirm your choice or selection.
Make sure the remote control has working batteries (4 x AAA batteries).
VOLUME: Press | ZOOM: Press |
the + or – on the | the + or – on the Zoom |
Volume key to adjust | key to zoom the camera |
the codec volume. | in and out. |
MUTE: Press the – to |
mute an incoming call. |
PHONE BOOK: Press | LAYOUT: Press the Layout |
the Phone Book key to | key to display the layout |
display the local phone | menu, then select a view |
book. | in the menu. |
HOME: Press the Home key to go back to the main menu.
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