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The Phonebook settings
Phonebook Server [1..
5] ID:
0, 64>
Enter a name for the external phonebook. Addresses the specific phonebook. Format: String with a maximum of 64 characters.
Example: Phonebook Server 1 ID: “”
Phonebook Server [1..
5] URL:
0, 255>
Enter the address (URL) to the external phonebook server. Addresses the specific phonebook server. Format: String with a maximum of 255 characters.
Example: Phonebook Server 1 URL: “http://tms.company.com/tms/public/external/ phonebook/phonebook.asmx”
The Provisioning settings, continued...
Provisioning Mode:
Provides the possibility of managing the codec (endpoint) by using an external manager/management system.
Off: The system will not try to register to any management system.
TMS: If set to TMS the system will try to register with a TMS server as described in Provisioning ExternalManager settings. TMS is short for TANDBERG Management System. Please contact your TANDBERG representative for more information.
Example: Provisioning Mode: TMS
The Provisioning settings
Provisioning ExternalManager Address:
0, 64>
Specifies the IP Address to the External Manager/Management system. If an External Manager address and a path is configured, the system will post an HTTP message to this address when starting up. When receiving this HTTP posting the External Manager (typically a management system) can return configurations/commands to the unit as a result. If the DHCP Option 242 is returned in the DHCP response from the DHCP server the system will interpret this as the External Manager address to use.
Format: String with a maximum of 64 characters.
Example: Provisioning ExternalManager Address: “”
Provisioning ExternalManager Path:
0, 255>
Specifies the path to the External Manager/Management system. If an External Manager address and a path is configured, the system will post an HTTP message to this address when starting up. When receiving this HTTP posting the External Manager (typically a management system) can return configurations/commands to the unit as a result. If the DHCP Option 242 is returned in the DHCP response from the DHCP server the system will interpret this as the External Manager address to use.
Format: String with a maximum of 255 characters.
Example: Provisioning ExternalManager Path: “tms/public/external/management/ SystemManagementService.asmx”
The Serial Port settings
SerialPort BaudRate:
Specify the baud rate (bps) on the COM port (data port). The default value is 38400.
Other default parameters for the COM port are: Parity: None Databits: 8 Stopbits: 1 Flow control: None.
Valid inputs for baud rate: 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200 bits/second.
Example: SerialPort BaudRate: 38400
SerialPort LoginRequired:
The Serial Login setting determines whether or not there should be a login when connecting to the COM port (data port).
On: Login is required when connecting to the COM port (data port).
Off: The user can access the COM port (data port) without any login.
Example: SerialPort LoginRequired: On
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