Model PH90 Operating Procedures
Step 2
Assemble the freezer door. Place the door gasket
into the groove on the back of the freezer door. Slide
the front bearing over the baffle rod so the flanged
edge is against the door. DO NOT lubricate the gasket
or bearing. (See Figure 26.)
Figure 26
Step 3
Install the freezerdoor. Insert the baffle rodthrough
the beater in the freezing cylinder. With the door
seated on the freezer studs, install t he handscrews.
Tighten equally in a criss--cross pattern to insure the
door is snug. (See Figure 27.)
Figure 27
Step 4
Install the draw valve. Slide the 3 o--rings into the
grooves on the draw valve and lubricate. (See
Figure 28.)
Figure 28
Lubricate the inside of the freezer door spout, topand
bottom. (See Figure 29.)
Figure 29
Insert the draw valvefrom the bottom until the slot in
the draw valve comes into view. (See Figure 30.)
Figure 30