38 Model PH90Operating Procedures
Step 10
Press the WASH and PUMP keypads and close the
draw valve. (See Figure 59.)
Figure 59
Note: Be sure your hands are clean an d sanitized
before going on in theseinstructions.
Step 11
Press the CAL keypad and place the agitator on the
agitator drive shaft housing. (See Figure 60.)
Figure 60
Note: If agitator should stop tur ning during normal
operation, with sanitized hands, remove agitator
from agitator drive shaft housing and brush clean with
sanitizing solution. Install the agitator back onto the
agitator drive shaft housing.
Step 12
Standt he mix feed tube in the corner of the mix hopper.
Place the cotter pin in position in the outletfitting of the
pump. (See Figure 61.)
Figure 61
Step 13
Remove the design cap.
Step 14
Return to the freezer with a small amount of sanitizing
solution. Dip the door spout brush into the sanitiz ing
solution and brush clean the door spout and bot tom of
the draw valve.
Note: To assure sanitary conditions are maintained,
brush clean each item for a total of 60 seconds,
repeatedly dipping the brush in sanitizing solution.
Install the design cap.
Note: You have just sanitized all foo d contact
surfaces of the freezer.