Model PH90 Operating Procedures
Step 3
When ready to resume normal operation, press the
AUTO keypad. (See Figure 84.)
Note: This procedure should be done 15 minutes
before product is expected to be served.
Figure 84
Syrup SystemTwomain objec tives in your opening procedures must
bet o: (1) fill the syrup tanks, and (2) calibrate the syrup
flow. This must be checked daily to insure the high
quality shake you desire.
Discard syrup weekly and flush syrup lines at least
once a week. This will prevent syrupclogging the lines
and will break the bacteria chain. See page 60 to
sanitize the syrup system.
The syrup tanks are located in the lower front syrup
compartment. The syrup lines are color spir al
wrapped. Be sure to match the color wrapped s yrup
line to the correct syrup flavor. (See Figure 85.)
Figure 85
Note: Vanilla and strawberry syrup lines use
restrictors at the syrup tank quick disconnect
connection to maintain proper calibration. I f thin
viscosity syrups are used in the special tank, it willbe
necessary to install a restrictor in the syrup line
Unscrew the quick disconnect from the elbow portion
of the syrup line. Make sure the o--ringrest son t heend
of the quick disconnect fitting. Place the r estrictor on
top of the o--ringand s crew the quick disconnect back
onto the syrup line.
Step 1
Filling thesyrup tanks: Pullback on t he collar of the
quick disconnect fitting for the air line. Allow the air
pressure to escape from the syrup tank. (See
Figure 86.)
Figure 86
Disconnect the syrup line after you hav e disconnected
the air line. (See Figure 87.)
Figure 87