40 Model PH90Operating Procedures
Priming -- Soft Serve SideStep 1
With a mix pail beneath the door spout, openthe draw
valve. Pour 2--1/2 gallons (9.5 liters) of FRESH mix
into the mix hopper and allow it to flow into the f reezing
cylinder. This will force out any remaining sanitizing
solution. When full strength mix is flowing from the
door spout, close the draw valve.
Step 2
When mix stops bubbling down into the freezing
cylinder, insert the mix feed tube. Remove the cott er
pin from the outlet fitting of the mix pump. Insert the
outlet end of the mix feed tube into the mix inlet hole
in the mix hopper. Place the inlet end of the mix feed
tube into the outlet fitting of the mix pump. Secure with
cotter pin.
Step 3
Press the AUTO keypad.
Note: This procedure should be done 15 minutes
before product is expected to be served.
Step 4
Fill the hopper with fresh mix and place the m ix hopper
cover in position.
Note: Use only FRESH mix when priming the freezer.
The function of the Heat Treatment Cycle is to destr oy
bacteria by raising the temperature of the mix in the
freezing cylinder and the hopper to a specif ied
temperature for a specified period of t ime, and then
bringing the temperature back down low enough t o
retard spoilage.
The Heat Treatment Cycle will start at the time
designated in the Auto Heat Time.
DO NOT draw product or attempt to
disassemble the unit duri ng the HEATcycl e.The
product is hot and under extreme pressure.
Important:The level of mix inthe mix hopper must be
above the mix low probe. (The mix low light mustnot
be on.)
Shake Side
Note: If the CLEAN MANUALLY light is flashing, do
not add mix. The machine must be disassem bled and
brush cleaned within 24 hours.
Both sides of the freezer must be in the AUTO mode
before the HEATcycle may be started.
40.0F HOPPER 40.0F
Figure 65
Step 1
Remove the hopper cover. Remove the shake cup
holder, front drip tray, splash shield, and all five drip
pans(t wo from the rear panel, one from the front panel,
and two from the side panels).
Makesure your hands are clean and sanitized
before performingthese next steps.
Note: Pressing the CAL keypad will stop agitat or
movement for 10 seconds. After 10 seconds have
elapsed, press the CAL keypad again to return to the
normal display.
Step 2
Remove the agitator from the mix hopper. Remove the
restrictor cap from the freezer door spout. Take the
agitator, hopper cover, shake cup holder, drip pans,
front drip tray, splash shield and restrictor cap to the
sink for further cleaning and sanitizing.
Take the syrup hole plugs, spout cap, and spout cap
o--ringt o the sink for further cleaning and sanitizing.
Rinse these parts in cool, clean water. Prepare a sm all
amount of an approved cleaning solution (example:
Kay--5Ror Stera--SheenR). USE WARM WATER
CATIONSto brushclean the parts. Place the restrictor
cap, front drip tray, shake cup holder and splash shield
on a clean, dry surface to air--dry overnight or until the
heating cycle is complete.
Prepare a small amount of an approved 100 PPM
sanitizing solution. USE WARM WATER AND
CATIONS, and sanitize the syrup hole plugs, spout
cap, spout cap o--ring, rear drip pan, agitator, and
hopper cover.