Inspect the shipping container for evidence of damage immediately after receipt. If the shipping container or cushioning material is damaged, it should be kept until the contents of the shipment have been checked for completeness and the units have been checked mechanically and electrically.
The shipping container should be placed upright and opened from the top. Remove the cushioning material and lift out the contents.
The contents of the shipment should be checked against the packing list. If the contents are incomplete, if there is mechanical damage or defect, or if the units do not perform correctly when unpacked, notify your Thomson Multimedia Broadcast Solutions sales or service centre within eight days. If the shipping container shows signs of damage or stress, notify the
carrier as well.
If a unit is being returned to Thomson Multimedia Broadcast Solutions for servicing, try to use the containers and materials of the original packaging. Attach a tag indicating the type of service required, return address, model number, full serial number and the return number which will be supplied by your Thomson Multimedia Broadcast Solutions service centre.
If the original packing can no longer be used, the following general instructions should be used for repacking with commercially available materials:
a.Wrap unit in heavy paper or plastic.
b.Use strong shipping container.
c.Use a layer of
d.Seal shipping container securely.
e.Mark shipping container FRAGILE to ensure careful handling.
Local / Remote Power Supply
The LDK 20 camera is delivered ready to operate in the remote mode. If the camera has to be used in the local
a.Disconnect the mains power supply or the triax cable, whichever is connected.
b.Loosen two screws and remove the rear connector panel of the camera.
c.Locate the remote/local switch - a large black plastic box.
d.Set the switch to the local position. The camera is delivered with the switch in the remote position.
f. Return the rear connector panel to its position.
Technical Manual LDK 20(S) - Studio Camera | Installation |