Getting Started
280A03 TekConnectProbe Interface Module Instruction Manual
The following electricalsampling modules are recommended for use with the
TekConnectProbe Interface Module.
Recommended Tektronix
sampling modules
80E011Single channel, 50 GHz
80E022Dual channel, 12.5 GHz
80E032Dual channel, 20 GHz
80E042Dual Channel, 20 GHz with TDR
80E061Single channel, 70 GHz
1Requires2. 4/1.85 mm to 2.92 mm SMA adapter (Tektronixpart number 011- 0157- 00,
standardwith these sampling m odules). Also requires custom cable not available
fromTektronix: use a short high-quality SMA cable or fabricate your own semi-rigid
2Recommended foruse wi th80A03 TekConnect Probe Interface Module.
The 80A03 TekConnectProbe Interface Module does not support the Tektronix
P6209 probe. For this probe, the interface disables the sampling module inputs.
There is alsono support for TekProbe Level 2 legacy probes that utilize the
TCA-1MEG, TCA-BNC, and TCA75 adapters.
The TekConnect Interface
Power for the 80A03 TekConnectProbe Interface Module, sampling module, and
TekConnectprobes is supplied through the cable that connects the TekConnect
Probe InterfaceModule to the sampling oscilloscope. The same cable also
provides a data and communicationspath from the probe contact pins through
the interfaceto the oscilloscope. Power, signal, offset, and probecharacteristic
data transfersthrough this interface.
When a probe is connected,the TekConnect Probe Interface Module reads
information fromthe probe, identifies the device, and turns on the appropriate
power supplies.