Operating Basics
14 80A03 TekConnectProbe Interface Module Instruction Manual
Triggering the Sampling Oscillo scope
Use the following proceduresto set up the 80A03 TekConnectProbe Interface
Module to triggerand view signals on CSA8000 and TDS8000 Series sampling
The TekConnectProbe Interface Module supports many models of TekConnect
probes. Since the trigger bandwidth limit is determinedby the probe bandwidth
and oscilloscope triggercapability, some probes may be more suitable than
others to your measurementneeds.
CSA8000 and TDS8000 Series oscilloscopes providetwo trigger inputs you can
use with externalprobes, direct or prescaled. When selecting an input, you
should consider thefrequency of the signal being measured. The bandwidth
specification of the measurement probe must also m eet or exceed that of the
signal being measured.
In addition, considerthe following factors when setting up equipment to take
HThe oscilloscope triggersensitivity relative to the amplitude of the signal
being measured.
HThe probe scale factor.
HThe attenuation factorof the power divider used, if you choose to view
signals on the oscilloscope following the trigger.
NOTE. Refer to your sampling oscilloscopedocumentation for direct and
prescaledtrigger specifications.
Refer to Table3 for a list of equipment you need to implement the triggering
Table3: Recommended equipment for triggering setups
Totrigger only Totrigger and view a signal
TektronixCSA8000 or TDS8000 Series
TektronixCSA8000 or TDS8000 Series
Tektronix80A03 TekConnect Probe Interface
Tektronix80A03 TekConnect Probe Interface
Tektronix80E02, 80E03, or 80E04 electrical
sampling module
Tektronix80E02, 80E03, or 80E04 electrical
sampling module



Recommended Equipment