26 80A03 TekConnectProbe Interface Module Instruction Manual
The following conditions indicate an internalfailure. See page vi for information
on contacting Tektronixfor service.
HNo LED activity at poweron.
HLEDs are inactiveon a single channel.
HLED response is inconsistent when connectingthe same probe alternately to
both channels.
Replacing Parts
Referto the Replaceable Parts section on page 27 for a list of customer
replacement parts.
Repackaging for Shipment
If the original packagingis unfit for use or not available, use the following
packaging guidelines:
1. Use a corrugatedcardboard shipping carton having inside dimensions at least
one inch greaterthan the probe dimensions. The box should have a carton
test strength ofat least 200 pounds.
2. Put the probe into an antistaticbag or wrap to protect it from dampness.
3. Place the probeinto the box and stabilize it with light packing material.
4. Seal the cartonwith shipping tape.

Product Requires Service