80A03 TekConnectProbe Interface Module Instruction Manual 23
This section lists the electrical,environmental, and physical characteristics of the
80A03 TekConnectProbe Interface Module.
Specifications listed in this sectio n areg uaranteed unless labeled typical.
Typicalspecifications are provided for your convenience and are not guaranteed.
The electrical characteristics listed in Table 4 are valid when the 80A03
TekConnectProbe Interface Module operates within the environmental condi-
tions listed in Table5 on page 23.
Table4: Electrical characteristics
Characteristic Description
Output Impedance, nominal 501
Frequencyrange2,typical DCto >12 GHz
Insertion Loss3,typical DCto 6GHz: <0. 4 dB
DCt o 12 GHz<0.6 dB
ReturnLoss3,typical DCto 6GHz: >25 dB
DCt o 12 GHz>20 dB
Electrical Delay3, nominal 0.90 ns
ExtenderDel ay,nominal 5s
1Providedby the sampl ing module input.
3TekConnectadapter to electrical sampling module. Does not include probe or
sampling module extender.
Table5: Environmental characteristics
Characteristic Description
Operating 10_Cto40_C(50_Fto 104 _F)
Nonoperating --2 2 _Cto+60_C(--7.6_Fto 140 _F)
Operating 20 to 80% RH, noncondensing
Nonoperating 5 to 90% RH, noncondensing