Getting Started
80A03 TekConnectProbe Interface Module Instruction Manual 7
Toprovide a signal path between the sampling module and the TekConnect
Probe InterfaceModule, perform the following tasks:
1. Connect your wrist strap to the antistatic connectoron the front of the
sampling oscilloscope.
2. Use the two semi-rigidSMA cables (included with this product) to connect
the TekConnectProbe Interface Module to the sampling module as shown in
Figure 5. Toobtain proper alignment and mate the SMA connectors, you
may need to change the bend angle of the cen ter bend. It is recommended
that you do not changethe bend angle by more than 1/8 in.
NOTE. Always use a calibrated torquewrench to install adapters, attenuators,
cables, or power sensors in any setup. Torqueall connections to 8 ±0.3 inch
pounds. For information on properinstallation and torquing techniques, refer to
your sampling module user manual.
Figure5: Connectingt he samplingm odule
CAUTION. The semi-rigidSMA connector cables used on the 80A03 TekConnect
ProbeInterface Module are not compatible with the input connections of
80E01and 80E06 sampling modules.
Do not attempt to forcea connection between the semi-rigid connector cables on
the TekConnectProbe Interface Module and these sampling modules. Use the
properadapter or damage to the sampling module will occur.See page 2 for
additional information.
Installing the Semi-RigidSMA Connector Cables