Operating Basics
80A03 TekConnectProbe Interface Module Instruction Manual 15
Table3: Recommended equipment for triggering setups ( cont.)
Totrigger only Totrigger and view a signal
Compatible TekConnectprobe.
Seepage 1.
Compatible TekConnectprobe.
Seepage 1.
(1)SMA cabl e, 0.5 m1(3) SMA cables, 0.5 m1
Torquewrench, SMA 5/16, 8 in-lb Torquewrench, SMA 5/16, 8 in-lb
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- (1)6 dB power di vider2
1Tektronixpart number 174-1427-00.
2Tektronixpart number 015-0565-00.
Toset up the TekConnect Probe Interface Module to triggerCS A8000 and
TDS8000 Series Oscilloscopes, do thefollowing:
1. Remove the semi-rigid cablethat connects the CH B TekConnectProbe
InterfaceModule to the sampling module. See Figure 8.
Figure8: Removingthe semi-rigid cable
2. Use a 0.5 m SMA cable to connect the CH B TekConnect Probe Interface
Module to the sampling oscilloscope triggerinput (TriggerDirect or Trigger
Prescaled).S eeF igure9 on page 16.
3. Attach the TekConnect measurement probe to C H A on the TekConnect
Probe InterfaceModule. See Figure 9.
4. Attach a TekConnecttrigger probe to CH B on the TekConnect Probe
InterfaceModule. See Figure 9.
TriggeringCSA8000 andTDS8000 SeriesOscilloscopes