Operating the Calibrator Teledyne API T703/T703U Calibrator Operation Manual


The T703/T703U calibrator can be set up to perform automatic calibration sequences of
multiple steps. These sequences can perform all of the calibration operations available
for manual operation and can be set up to be triggered by using the front panel touch
screen buttons, the internal timer, the external digital control inputs, the RS-232
interface, the Ethernet interface or even as sub-processes in another sequence.


A sequence is a database of single or multiple steps where each single step is an
instruction that causes the instrument to perform an operation. These steps are grouped
under a user-defined SEQUENCE NAME.
For each sequence, seven attributes must be programmed; the attributes are presented in
Table 4-3.
Table 4-3: Automatic Calibration SEQUENCE Set Up Attributes
NAME Allows the user to create a text string of up to 10 characters identifying the sequence.
REPEAT COUNT Number of times, between 0 and 100, to execute the same sequence. A value of 0
(zero) causes the sequence to execute indefinitely.
CC INPUT Specifies which of the Digital Control Inputs will initiate the sequence.
CC OUTPUT Specifies which of the Digital Control Outputs will be set when the sequence is active.
TIMER ENABLE Enables or disables an internal automatic timer that can initiate sequences using the
calibrator’s built in clock.
STEPS A series of submenus for programming the activities and instructions that make up
the calibration sequence.
PROGRESS MODE Allows the user to select the reporting style the calibrator uses to report the progress
of the sequences , on the front panels display, as it runs
The types of instruction steps available for creating calibration sequences are presented
in Table 4-4:
Table 4-4: Calibration SEQUENCE Step Instruction
GENERATE Puts the instrument into GENERATE mode. Similar in operation and effect to the
GENERATE AUTO function used at the front panel.
DURATION Adds a period of time between the previous instruction and the next
Calls another sequence to be executed at this time. The calling sequence will
resume running when the called sequence is completed. Up to 5 levels of nested
sequences can be programmed.
SETCCOUTPUT Allows the sequence to activate the digital control outputs. Similar to the CC OUPUT
attribute, but can be set and reset by individual steps.
It is recommended that each calibration sequence be ended with an instruction to return the instrument
to STANDBY mode.
07223C DCN6572