Teledyne API T802 Paramagnetic O2 Analyzer Operation Manual
123 CHANGING THE ANALYZER’S HOSTNAME The HOSTNAME is the name by which the analyzer appears on your network.
The default name for all Teledyne API T802 analyzers is T802.
To change this name (particularly if you have more than one T802 analyzer on your network), press:
<CH Moves the cursor one character to the left.
CH> Moves the cursor one character to the right.
INS Inserts a character before the cursor location.
DEL Deletes a character at the cursor location.
Press to cycle through the range of numerals
and characters available for insertion. 0-9, A-
Z, space ’ ~ ! # $ % ^ & * ( ) - _ = +[ ] { } <
>\ | ; : , . / ?
ENTR Accepts the new setting and returns to the
previous menu.
EXIT Ignores the new setting and returns to the
previous menu.
Buttons appear only as applicable.
(The ACAL submenu in the Primary Setup Menu is a special configuration; consult factory).
07275B DCN6418