A Primer on Electro-Static Discharge Teledyne API T802 Paramagnetic O2 Analyzer Operation Manual
Term Description/Definition
RS-485 specification and standard describing a binary serial communication method
among multiple devices at a data rate faster than RS-232 with a much longer
distance between the host and the furthest device
SAROAD Storage and Retrieval of Aerometric Data
SLAMS State and Local Air Monitoring Network Plan
SLPM Standard Liters Per Minute of a gas at standard temperature and pressure
STP Standard Temperature and Pressure
TCP/IP Transfer Control Protocol / Internet Protocol, the standard communications
protocol for Ethernet devices
TEC Thermal Electric Cooler
TPC Temperature/Pressure Compensation
USB Universal Serial Bus: a standard connection method to establish communication
between peripheral devices and a host controller, such as a mouse and/or
keyboard and a personal computer or laptop
VARS Variables, the variable settings of the instrument
V-F Voltage-to-Frequency
Z/S Zero / Span
07275B DCN6418