Basic Operation Teledyne API T802 Paramagnetic O2 Analyzer Operation Manual


Table 4-2: Test Functions Defined



The full scale limit at which the reporting range of the analyzer is
currently set. THIS IS NOT the Physical Range of the instrument.
See Section 5.4.1 for more information.
CO2 Range1 CO2 RANGE % The range setting for the optional CO2 Sensor
Stability STABIL %
Standard deviation of O2 concentration readings. Data points are
recorded every ten seconds using the last 25 data points. This
function can be reset to show O2 or CO2 stability in instruments with
those sensor options installed.
Sample Pressure PRES In-Hg-A The absolute pressure of the Sample gas as measured by a
pressure sensor located inside the sample chamber.
Sample Flow SAMPLE FL cm3/min Sample mass flow rate as measured by the flow rate sensor in the
sample gas stream.
O2 Sensor
Slope O2 SLOPE - O2 slope, computed during zero/span calibration.
O2 Sensor Offset O2 OFFSET - O2 offset, computed during zero/span calibration.
Box Temperature BOX TEMP C The temperature inside the analyzer chassis.
O2 Cell
Temperature O2 CELL TEMP C The current temperature of the O2 sensor measurement cell.
CO2 Cell
TEMP C The current temperature of the CO2 sensor measurement cell.
CO2 Sensor
Slope1 CO2 SLOPE - CO2 slope, computed during zero/span calibration.
CO2 Sensor
Offset 1 CO2 OFFSET - CO2 offset, computed during zero/span calibration.
Current Time TIME - The current time. This is used to create a time stamp on DAS
readings, and by the AUTOCAL feature to trigger calibration events.
1 Only appears when the optional CO2 sensor is installed.


The T802 will switch into calibration mode when the user touches the CAL

button. In this mode the user can, in conjunction with introducing zero or span

gases of known concentrations into the analyzer, cause it to adjust and recalculate

the slope (gain) and offset of the its measurement range. This mode is also used

to check the current calibration status of the instrument.

For more information about setting up and performing standard calibration

operations or checks, see Section 9, Calibration Procedures.

Note It is recommended that span calibration be performed at 80% of full scale of

the analyzer’s currently selected reporting range.


If the reporting range is set for 0 to 50%, an appropriate span point would

be 40%.

If the of the reporting range is set for 0 to 100%, an appropriate span point

would be 80%.

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