This module contains the circuit for one group output and one
matrix output. The signal path for the group signal is from the bus
through the appropriate link depending upon which group the
module is programmed to receive into the bus mixing amplifier.
The signal then is fed to the balanced insert send output by an
SSM2142 and returned by an SSM2143 before entering the
SSM2402 used for the cut function. From here the signal passes
through the fader which has 10dB of gain in hand followed by the
fader buffer to make up the 10dB of gain. The signal is then
balanced in an SSM2142 to become the group output signal. The
group signal can be sub mixed to the main LCR bus and this can be
done in stereo or full LCR if selected.
The matrix send can be taken pre or post fade and in the pre fade
position it can be link programmed to be either pre or post mute.
The signal is then buffered and sent onto the matrix buses. The
matrix operates differently to previous DDA matrices and a full
level signal is sent to all buses. Thus the matrix pots are controlling
signal coming into their module as opposed to the previous
situation where the pots would control the level going to another
matrix output. The matrix signals are picked up, level controlled
and mixed together before going to the matrix ON switch. In
addition to the eight send signals the foldback, mix left/right and
mix centre signals are available on the matrix. Immediately after
the ON switch talkback is injected although the enable switch must
be operated for this to happen. The signal is then balanced in an
SSM2142 to become the matrix out signal.
Both the matrix and the group signals can be soloed and the solo
enable circuits are as previously described. If LCR mode is
selected then the group AFL solo will be across the three buses,
otherwise it will be in stereo. The matrix solo is across the L/R
buses. The group cut is electronically operated through an identical
circuit to that of the input module and again there is provision for
the group to be muted by any of eight master mute groups.