The Q2 console can exploit either L-R panning or L-C-R panning
selected by a switch. In either case the same components are
employed as follows.
The pan pot VR7 is centre tapped and under normal operation the
input signal is fed to the top of the pot (the hot end). This is
connected to the centre tap by a 10k resistor to give the appropriate
law and the wiper signals are fed to the pan buffer IC9. These
signals leave the module as LSUB or RSUB to give normal stereo
panning. The MIXC output is directly connected to the (mono)
input of the pan pot. The CGROUP output is grounded.
If the switch is depressed to give L-C-R panning then the centre
taps of the pots are grounded meaning that the pots will only work
across half of their range which is the required condition. The
signal can now leave as LSUB or RSUB or indeed PANL and
PANR if link 22 is installed in an LCR console. The output of the
pan buffers are combined by IC10A along with an out of phase feed
of the input signal to give a centre signal which is fed out as
A signal panned fully left will appear at the LEFT output only, a
CENTRE panned signal will appear on the centre output only and
of course a RIGHT panned signal will appear on the right output
only. A signal panned for example between left and centre will
have no output on the right output whereas it would if normal
stereo panning was employed.