address: The location of program code or data stored; an individually accessible memory location.
API: See application programming interface.
application programming interface (API): Used for proprietary application programs to interact with communications software or to conform to protocols from another vendor’s product.
assembler: A software program that creates a machine language program from a source file that contains assembly language instructions, directives, and macros. The assembler substitutes absolute operation codes for symbolic operation codes and absolute or relocatable addresses for symbolic addresses.
assert: To make a digital logic device pin active. If the pin is active low, then a low voltage on the pin asserts it. If the pin is active high, then a high voltage asserts it.
bit: A binary digit, either a 0 or 1.
big endian: An addressing protocol in which bytes are numbered from left to right within a word. More significant bytes in a word have lower numbered addresses. Endian ordering is specific to hardware and is determined at reset. See also little endian.
block: The three least significant bits of the program address. These correspond to the address within a fetch packet of the first instruction being addressed.