DSPLIB Function Tables
3.3 DSPLIB Function Tables
Table 3−2. Adaptive Filtering
Functions | Description | Page |
long DSP_firlms2(short *h, short *x, short b, int nh) | LMS FIR | |
Table 3−3. Correlation
Functions | Description | Page |
void DSP_autocor(short *r,short *x, int nx, int nr) | Autocorrelation | |
void DSP_autocor_rA8(short *r,short *x, int nx, int nr) | Autocorrelation ( r[] must be | |
| double word aligned) |
Table 3−4. FFT
Functions | Description | Page |
void DSP_fft16x16(short *w, int nx, short *x, short *y)
Complex out of place, Forward |
FFT mixed radix with digit reversal. Input/Output data in Re/Im order.
void DSP_fft16x16_imre(short *w, int nx, short *x, short *y)
void DSP_fft16x16r(int nx, short *x, short *w, unsigned char *brev, short *y, int radix, int offset, int n_max)
void DSP_fft16x32(short *w, int nx, int *x, int *y)
void DSP_fft32x32(int *w, int nx, int *x, int *y)
void DSP_fft32x32s(int *w, int nx, int *x, int *y)
Complex out of place, Forward | |
FFT mixed radix with digit |
reversal. Input/Output data in |
Im/Re order. |
with scaling and rounding, digit |
reversal, out of place. Input and |
output: 16 bits, Twiddle factor: 16 |
bits. |
Extended precision, mixed radix | |
FFT, rounding, digit reversal, out |
of place. Input and output: 32 bits, |
Twiddle factor: 16 bits. |
Extended precision, mixed radix | |
FFT, rounding, digit reversal, out |
of place. Input and output: 32 bits, |
Twiddle factor: 32 bits. |
Extended precision, mixed radix | |
FFT, digit reversal, out of place., |
with scaling and rounding. Input |
and output: 32 bits, Twiddle
factor: 32 bits.