1 – Press upper bearing cup into the spindle housing.
2 – Turn the spindle housing over and press in the lower bearing cup.
3 – Place the lower bearing cone in the bearing cup. Next press the seal into the spindle housing. The inner lip of the seal must be DOWN, towards the bearing, so lubricant is sealed inside the housing.
4 – Install the spindle in the housing. Lightly press the spindle to seat the cone onto the spindle.
5 – Support the bottom of the spindle and press the upper bearing cone and bearing adjustment sleeve onto the spindle.
NOTE: The spindle housing must turn freely when seating the bearing cone and sleeve.
6 – Press the two upper seals into the spindle housing. The inner lip of the seals must be UP, away from the bearing, so excess lubricant can escape.
7 – Install the bearing adjustment nut (thin nut) so there is 1/16” clearance between the nut and the sleeve. Install the jam washer, placing the tab into the
8 – Position the spindle housing horizontally with the drain hole oriented “up.” Grease through the zerk with Tiger Spindle Lubricant(part number 06540000) until the grease purges from the drain hole.
9 – Install the plug into the drain hole.
Maintenance Section