Importing Address Book Data 105

Importing Address Book Data
You can import the address book data in a CSV format to TopAccess. The data need to be
comma-deliminated CSV files complying with the address book data format of TopAccess. Cre-
ate the file in the following format:
Each item in the address book data is imported to TopAccess under the following item names:
yBe sure to enter “NAME”, and also enter either “Tel Number” or “Email Address”. If not, the
user data will not be imported.
yData with letters exceeding the maximum number shown above cannot be imported.
yBe sure to enter either “ABB_ID” or “OT_ID”.
yA maximum of 300 abbreviated numbers (“ABB_ID”) and a maximum of 75 one-touch num-
bers (“OT_ID”) can be imported.
yIf an abbreviated number (“ABB_ID”) already registered for one user is used for another, only
the data of the user first registered in this abbreviated number will be imported. (The same
procedure is taken in one-touch numbers (“OT_ID”).)
yFor letters accepted for “Search Letter”, see the Operator’s Manual for Facsimile
"NAME","Email Address","Tel Number","ABB_ID","OT_ID","Search Letter"
Item Names in
Address Book Item Names in TopAccess Maximum Number of letters
NAME Name 20 one-byte letters / 10 two-byte letters
Email Address Email Address 192 one-byte letters
Tel Number Fax Number 128 one-byte letters
(Digits and signs “*”, “#”, “-“)
ABB_ID ABB. Number 3 one-byte letters
(Digits from 001 to 999)
OT_ID One Touch Number 2 one-byte letters
(Digits from 1 to 75)
Search Letter (Import disabled) -