1 | 2 |
3 | 5 | 4 | 6 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 11 12 |
Figure 4.7
1Voice Warning – Allows you to use an audible warning (.wav Sound Clip) for when Motion or Sensors are activated.
2Video Loss Alarm Beep – This option enables the internal audio alarm when Video loss is detected.
Video Loss Alarm Output – This option activates Alarm Control Output when video loss I detection. The Alarm Control Output is the last Control Output on the DVR (#16 on a 16ch DVR and #8 on an 8CH DVR)
Video Loss Alarm – This option sends video loss information to the log files.
3OSD Font Size – This option allows you to adjust the On Screen Display Font size for cameras.
4Display Control Status Bar – Enables/Disables Control Status Bar on the Main Display Screen. (See section 3.3).
5OSD Bold – This option makes the OSD Font Bold.
6Display Sensor Status BAR – Enables/Disables the Sensor Status Bar on the Main Display Screen. (See section 3.3).
7Display Motion Detection Area Box – Displays the Motion area box on the Main Screen whenever motion occurs.
8Intensive Recording – The Intensive Recording option increases the FPS recording of a camera that is experiencing an alarm event.
9Beep on