administrator Username and Password under Advance options to get a precise estimation if the remote device is
Figure 5-29 Speed Test
¾Destination IP: The Remote device’s IP address.
¾Advanced options: This is switch to show advanced test options which are used only for precise estimation.
¾User: Administrator password of the remote device. It should be filled correctly if you want to get a precise estimation. Otherwise, keep if clean.
If either User or Password is incorrect, we will take a basic test instead. In other words, none of the advance options you set will take effect.
¾Direction: There are 3 options available for the traffic direction while estimating the throughput.
zreceive- Estimate the ingoing throughput (RX).
zboth- Estimate the incoming (RX) first and then the outgoing (TX) afterwards.
¾Duration: The value you specify here indicate how much time the test should last.
¾Data amount: The maximal data amount to be sent out during the whole test.
If both Duration and Data amount are specified, the test will stop after any of them is met.
Be sure to click the Run Test button to start a new test after you filled enough information. You can also stop a running test by click Stop Test button at any time.