Single and Dual
Other Modes
Occupancy Operation Unoccupied operation normally is associated with evening hours when the space is vacant. In unoccupied mode, the controller always uses the default unoccupied heating and cooling setpoints stored in the controller. As the unit goes unoccupied, the compressors ON timers are ignored and the compressors are disabled.
When ZN510 controls the space to unoccupied mode, the occupant may have the ability to request timed override through the Trane zone sensor’s ON button. Based on the controller or system setup, the
controller interprets the request and initiates the occupied setpoint operation. During a timed override, the controller applies the occupied heating and cooling setpoint, but reports the effective occupancy mode as occupied bypass mode. In the occupied bypass mode, a building automation system can detect whether the occupancy mode was overrode.
Morning Warm Up
The damper (field installed or for the console product) remains closed during morning warm up until the space temperature is within two degrees of the effective heating setpoint. The
damper normally is open during the occupied mode when the controller turns on the unit fan. The damper is normally closed during:
zoccupied mode when the fan is
zwarm up/cool down mode.
zoccupied standby mode.
zunoccupied mode.
zcertain diagnostic conditions.
ZN510 keeps the