TV-IP522P ProView Megapixel Internet Camera
Sensor Output: You can set the camera’s sensor
output to VGA quality (640x640),HDTV quality (1280x720), 4VGA quality (1280x960).
Encode Type: This sets the video codec used for the video stream. You can choose
Resolution: This sets the display resolution of the video stream. If the Resolution is different than the Sensor Output size, the video will be shrunk or enlarged to the Resolution size you set here.
FPS: (Frames Per Second): This sets the target number of frames per second (FPS) for the video stream. Higher framerates will provide smoother video..
BPS: (Bits Per Second): BPS will affect the bit rate of the video recorded by the camera. Higher bit rate will increase the video quality.
JPEG Quality: This sets the JPEG quality of any manual snapshots you take when this video profile is selected.
RTSP URL: Is the URL used to connect to the camera when viewing for a mobile device or PDA.
Night Mode
Night mode allows the camera to use a longer shutter speed when the camera is in a
Camera Environment
The ICR (IR CUT Filter Removable) function provides enhanced night viewing by increasing the IR sensitivity. The camera is equipped with a motorized ICR which can be removed in
-Automatic: Selecting the option that the camera will automatically switch between IR cut filter On and Off, according to the current lighting conditions.
-Day mode: Selecting this mode that the
-Night mode: Selecting this mode that the
Placed Location
User can look for a place that best suits your needs, either outdoor or indoor. The option can prevent the outdoor direct strong Sunlight and indoor strong Lighting effecting images
Auto Exposure
The option controls the light coming into the camera through the electronic shutter. If
Audio Setup
Use the Audio Setup menu to enable and disable the microphone and speaker as well as adjust the volume of each.
Click Ok to save the changes you have made to the Video and Audio settings. Click Cancel to discard any changes made.