6 The Speedcook Oven
6. The cook cycle is 80% complete – make adjustments.
NOTE: This step does not apply if the cook cycle is less than 2∂ minutes.
When the cook cycle is 80% complete, a chime sounds, the cook cycle pauses, and you have the option to check your food and if desired, adjust the cook settings. If after 30 seconds the oven has not been addressed (door opened or inner CookWheel knob pressed), the oven will complete the cook cycle according to the original settings. For more information, see page 9.
NOTE: You may open the oven door and check your food at any point during the cook cycle. However, cook setting adjustments can only be made at the 80% and 100% complete points. To resume cooking, close the oven door, select “Continue” and press “Start” or the inner CookWheel knob.
Use the inner CookWheel knob to select “Continue.”
Selecting “Save to Favorites” will end the cook cycle. See page 15 for more information.
NOTE: If your food item is done at the 80% complete chime, remove it from the oven and press “Cancel” to end the cook cycle. If you end the cook cycle at this point, the cook cycle will not be recorded in “View Last Cooked (10).”
7. The cook cycle is complete – make final adjustments.
At the end of a cook cycle, a chime sounds notifying you that your item is done. You will have the option to add more cook time, if desired. This option is available for 3 minutes. If after 3 minutes the oven has not been addressed, it assumes the item is done and advances to the next screen (#9 below). For more information, see page 10.
8. Remove the dish from the oven.
WARNING: Dish and inside of oven are HOT – remove food with caution.
9. Select “Save to Favorites,” “Cook Another,” “Done,” or turn the oven off.
To “Save to Favorites” see page 15. To cook more of the same product select “Cook Another.” Select “Done” to return to the main menu. To turn the oven off, rotate the outer CookWheel knob to “Off.”