Chapter 3
BIOS Configuration
Security Option
If you have set a password, select whether the password is required every time the System boots, or only when you enter Setup.
PCI/VGA Palette Snoop
Your BIOS Setup many not contain this field. If the field is present, leave at Disabled.
OS Select for DRAM > 64MB
Select OS2 only if you are running OS/2 operating system with greater than 64 MB of RAM on your system.
Video BIOS Shadow
Software that resides in a
Shadowing copies firmware from ROM into system RAM, where the CPU can read it through the
Enable shadowing into each section of memory separately. Many system designers hardwire shadowing of the system BIOS and eliminate a System BIOS Shadow option.
Video BIOS shadows into memory area
Cyrix 6x86 / MII CPU ID
Select Enabled to enable the Cyrix 6x86 / MII CPU support. The settings are Enabled or Disabled.