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Practical examples
The script file is limited to maximum 500 characters and 12 lines. The actual
performance will depend on the complexity of the command script. Administrators
should reduce the redundant check as possible. Overload conditional check and heavy
actions may retard the system operation.
Command line Description
MAB=1C; When any motion is detected on channel 1 or 2, “Normal Close”
of relay output 1 will short with “Common”.
1H*2\=(5)1O; When DI1 high companied with DI2 transient from high to low,
“Normal Open” of relay output 1 will short with COMMON in 5
If there is no signal on channel 2 or 3 or 4, a message “no
signal!” will be sent to port 6000 of once.
2H=VAP15; When sensor input 2 is high, drive the camera mapped to video
1 to go to preset location 15.
If any motion is detected on channel 3 or 4, upload snapshots
taken on channel 1, 2, 3 and 4. If an event triggered at 19:05:30
2002/10/15, the snapshot files will be named as,
video1pre@20021015190530.jpg, video2pre@20021015190530.jpg
video3pre@20021015190530.jpg, video4pre@20021015190530.jpg
video1trg@20021015190530.jpg, video2trg@20021015190530.jpg
video3trg@20021015190530.jpg, video4trg@20021015190530.jpg
video1pos@20021015190531.jpg, video2pos@20021015190531.jpg
video3pos@20021015190531.jpg, video4pos@20021015190531.jpg