S TO R I N G C I D R E C O R D S I N MEMORY DIALING LOCATIONS You can store a phone number from a CID record in a Memory Dialing loca- tion.
1, With the Handset OFF, press the CID key.
2.Use the * ( ) or # (
) keys to scroll to the CID record you wish to store in memory.
3.Press CID again. The LCD displays the phone number.
4.Press and hold the MEM/PROG key. T h e L C D w i l l d i s p l ay
5.Enter a
Similar to Dialing from CID Memory, if you need to append digits to the phone number prior to storing in a Memory Dialing location (for example, “1” plus Area Code), simply enter the digits (with the Handset OFF), and follow steps 1 - 5 above.